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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Gratitude Post

Taking part in Let’s Take the Metro’s gratitude post yet again this week! 

 1. Cleaning Cupboards!  While cleaning my cupboards this week I found teas, soup mixes, and pasta that I thought I ran out of a while ago. Few things that were expired got tossed but was able to use most of it. I go through the cupboards every other week and still get surprised at some of the things I find that I thought was gone already. 

2.    2.    Green Tea: I’m thankful that I still have plenty of green tea to drink while I’m still searching for employment. I have both loose and bagged green tea left, trying to use up the non-loose tea first. In the future I plan on getting loose teas only since it will be slightly more environmentally conscious in that I won’t be tossing out wrappers, used tea bags, and those little strings I tend to break ;)

 3.   3. Rice: Two months ago I bought up a lot of brown rice that was on clearance at Price Chopper and still have plenty to go around. I’m grateful that rice not only keeps for a long time but that it pairs so well with many dishes. Lately I’ve been making semi-fried brown rice with frozen veggies for lunches. 

4.    4. Ramen! The meal of champions! I have a few packages of ramen noodles left. I’m grateful that such cheap food exists despite how unhealthy it may be. If I have fresh carrots I like to grate a bit on top to add some sort of nutritional value to them.  

5.    5. Interviews: This past week I had two interviews; both of which jobs I wasn’t suited for, apparently. Though I was really hopeful about the one position upon further reflection I don’t think it would have been something that would have been for the long term. Whenever I have a negative interview experience I turn it around and use it as motivation to keep searching and going forward.


  1. I love how most of your gratitude revolves around food :)

  2. I wish they feed you at interviews! :D


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