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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Welch's Whelp

Welch's 100% Grape Juice - 2/64 oz. 
I don't know how to read, apparently.

I was tempted to get a pineapple in the store the other day but opted to get some juice instead, really just wanted something sweet and refreshing to cool off with. After reading through ingredients on several labels I decided to go with Welch's, mainly just wanted something without HFCS lurking in the bottle.
Naturally after cracking open the bottle and taking a sip I notice that the ingredients used are from China, Chile, and Argentina. What a nice international blend! I have no quarrel with imported items but I try to avoid them, because of the carbon foot print created. 

Buying fruits and veggies grown in America helps keep jobs in America, same goes for other grocery items. Unless its clearly labeled Fair Trade I will put items down if they were imported, that is if I am paying attention to what I'm flinging in the cart.


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