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Monday, May 2, 2011

Poor Man's Bento: Part Deux

I have about $3 til I get paid again, hopefully this Friday from part time gig I did for a few weeks, so I'm stretching what I have in my cupboards for lunches for work.
Tonight I knew I wanted to make rice but no idea what to go with it, since I'm all out of fresh veggies, but lo and behold I found half of an onion in my fridge. Thus was born Pieorgie Fried Rice!

And one cup of sheer desperation I mean cooked rice to a pan of sauteed onions and cook til your heart's content. I used coconut oil for the onions but any oil would do. The smell and taste of the onions mixed in the rice makes me think of pieorgies and thus it has been christened with that name.

May is going to be a tough month but that doesn't mean I will give in and get cheap processed frozen crap lunches to bring to work! Even if it isn't the most healthy thing I could make I rather use real ingredients, or at least what ones I have left ;)

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