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Monday, June 13, 2011

Positive Changes

Habitforge is an awesome site that I have recently rediscovered. I mainly used the site during the tail end of my graduate studies to help keep myself in check with multiple projects that I needed to complete in order to graduate.
Habitforge has a very simple concept, in order to form a positive habit it takes 21 days (in the least) to make it stick! The accountability method the site utilizes is sending an email everyday asking the user to answer yes or no if they did the habit the day prior. Answering no puts the clock back to square one which I personally love. It may be tempting to click yes if you accidentally forgot but then it will just make it all that harder to make the habit a reality.
I've been using it lately to ask myself the simple question "Did you journal for at least 10 minutes?" After graduating last May I let my writing habits slip and become almost nonexistent.

There are many little things that I want to instill in myself such as:

  • Reading all labels on food items in the grocery store before buying them even if it's a brand I buy regularly
  • Drinking more water
  • Reading a novel once a month
  • Making dishes using fresh produce only at least once a day
Are there any positive habits that you want to give a whirl?


  1. I really, really, really want to read more. Books, that is. I got a lot of reading done while I was the sentry outside Heidi's bedroom, but now that I'm not doing that as much anymore I've been slacking.

  2. I got a dent in a novel I started a few weeks ago, its on my coffee table staring me down ;)


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