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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What Happened to Summer?

Alas! Summer is rapidly ending and that means the end of my fresh vegetable garden. This year I planted a few things from seeds that didn't take, poor green beans never had a chance, and some ol' favorites like tomatoes. With each year of gardening I try to learn what I can do better the next time around.

Next year I hope to:

*Plant more plum and cherry tomatoes. I discovered this year that the oh so friendly neighborhood gopher likes beefstake and other larger varieties of tomatoes as opposed to the small plum/cherry kinds. I don't like tomatoes unless they are cooked in sauces or soups were they become one with the broth. My pet tortoise loves the plum and cherry tomatoes, I bought two plants just for him (one of each) but next year I'd like to double it.

*Prep early summer for fall harvest. Some of the kale seeds kinda got washed away from all the rain that came after I planted them. Next year I'd like to plant kale, lettuce, and some fall root veggies so at least in the beginning of October I'd still have some fresh goodness to munch on.

*Pots! I had one pepper plant in a pot this year I'm already on the look out for them to be marked down for end of summer clearances (if I get a job soon.) It was easy for my disabled parental unit to tend to them and a great way for them to be involved with gardening without having to get on the ground and dig! Plus I would like to have more pots so I can have room for my ground garden for plants that are punks and take up lots of space ;)

It's sad to see my 2nd year of gardening come to an end but I'm already thinking warm thoughts for the months to come when I can do it all over and then some!

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