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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Veggie Garden: Deconstruction

Most of my summer vegetable gardening was focused on my 3 rows of tomato plants this year. Pipedreams of canning enough to last through the winter were foiled by hungry neighborhood groundhogs, a pet tortoise with a fondness for the cherry variety, and other members of my household.
But the time has come to tear out dead roots to try yet again the distant spring. Though I am grateful for what fresh produce I was able to make from my vegetable garden each year I hope for it to be better than the last. Yet again weeds were a major challenge as I firmly refuse to add any chemical cocktails to my small plot.

So far this year I haven't experienced any bouts of unemployment. Though this year I couldn't afford to save any money I'm still wishing for a cold frame! My goal is to save up for one for winter 2013, so that I can grow greens all year round :)

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